Welcome! Whether you are just curious about Christianity and the Catholic faith, a Catholic new to the area, or a new parishioner, we’re so glad you’ve decided to visit our website. If you haven’t yet done so, please come by the parish office, say hi to our pastor, Reverend Raphael Munday Kukana, and the office staff. We would love to meet you and have a chat!

Here at St Catherine of Genoa we seek to follow Jesus Christ and to invite others to do the same, to live by the virtue of hope found in the Gospel words of Jesus, and to live by faith based principles rooted in the New Testament. If you are considering becoming Catholic, please inquire about our process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) which will guide you to “consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion” (RCIA 1).

We hope that you will find that this parish community is one you can call home.

Register and Get the Best Parish Experience

If you have been attending the parish for a while but have not yet registered, please take a moment to register. This allows us to have your important information kept securely in our database so that we can send you your yearly tax receipts, as well as give you the opportunity to manage your mail and giving preferences.


Finding St. Catherine of Genoa

Contact Us Mass Times

Confession Times

Saturday: 4:00 PM or by appointment

Mass Times

Daily Mass

Monday–Saturday: 9:00 AM


5:00 PM: English


8:00 AM: English

11:00 AM: English

1:00 PM: French-Creole

5:00 PM: Twi (Ghanaian Apostolate)

Can’t find a time that works for you? Check out other parish’s mass times here: 

Catholic Mass Times

Mass: What to Expect

The central Catholic act of worship is attending the Mass, or Divine Liturgy. The Mass is divided into two parts: the Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

During the first part, the priest leads us in prayer and songs, praising God, thanking Him, and asking Him for forgiveness. We hear Scripture readings, the priest gives a talk, and then we all pronounce the core principles of our faith. 

In the second part, the priest says the blessing, transforming bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. We all say the "Our Father" prayer, and then receive communion. Finally, there is a closing prayer and final blessing.

Why go to mass? Sacraments